How To Write An Argumentative Essay

argumentative essay

The ability to argue effectively in writing is an invaluable skill. And as a student, you will be required to show that you understand the nuances of writing argumentative essays at one point or another.

If you aim for an A+, you may wonder how to write an argumentative essay that works. And whether you choose to write it yourself or buy argumentative essay online, you need to understand what to expect. And that’s why we wrote this article.

This guide will illuminate the path, ensuring you grasp every element of the argumentative essay format and structure, from argumentative essay outline to tips on enhancing your essay. Ready to roll? Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together!

What Is An Argumentative Essay?

The argumentative essay, a cornerstone of persuasive writing, is your ticket to making compelling arguments.

An argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires a writer to investigate a topic, gather and evaluate evidence, and concisely establish a position on the given subject.

Unlike other forms of essays that aim to inform or narrate, an argumentative essay aims to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s viewpoint.

Anatomy Of An Argumentative Essay

At its core, an argumentative essay seeks to convince its readers of a particular point of view using logic, evidence, and reasoning. To achieve this, understanding the argumentative essay structure is paramount.

Let’s break down the essential components of argumentative essays.

  1. Introduction to the Argumentative Essay:
    • Begins with a hook to grab the reader’s attention.
    • Provides background information on the topic.
    • Ends with a clear thesis statement, expressing the main argument.
  2. The Body: The Heart of the Argumentative Essay
    • Consists of several paragraphs, each presenting a unique evidence supporting the thesis.
    • Each paragraph should follow a clear structure: a topic sentence, evidence, and a concluding sentence that ties back to the main argument.
    • Counterarguments: A strong argumentative essay format includes addressing opposing views. This showcases a comprehensive understanding of the topic and strengthens the main argument.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Summarizes the main points made throughout the essay.
    • Restate the thesis in light of the evidence provided.
    • Offers a closing thought or a call to action, guiding the reader on the next steps.

With these insights, the structure of an argumentative essay should be clear. However, if crafting such an essay seems daunting, there’s always the option to buy argumentative essay online.

Key Characteristics Of An Argumentative Essay

Whether you choose to write it yourself or seek assistance, understanding the intricacies of these characteristics helps in appreciating the depth and rigor that goes into crafting such arguments.

  • Core Purpose: The primary aim of an argumentative essay is to persuade its readers to accept or consider the writer’s viewpoint. It goes beyond merely presenting facts; it makes a case for why they matter and how they relate to the chosen stance.
  • Foundation on Evidence: The strength of an argumentative essay lies in the evidence provided. Unlike opinion essays, which are based on personal beliefs, an argumentative essay must be grounded in facts. These facts are usually sourced from research, expert opinions, statistical data, and other reliable sources.
  • Central Thesis: Every argumentative essay hinges on a thesis statement. Located typically in the introduction, this statement briefly presents the main argument. The entire essay then serves to support and explore this thesis in depth.
  • Structure: An argumentative essay follows a clear format. It starts with an introduction that provides background on the topic and introduces the thesis. Body paragraphs follow this, each focusing on a specific piece of evidence. A robust argumentative essay will also address counterarguments, refuting them effectively. The essay concludes by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis.
  • Counterarguments: A distinguishing feature of the argumentative essay is its acknowledgment of opposing views. The writer thoroughly understands the topic and strengthens their position by addressing and debunking counterarguments.
  • Tone and Style: While the essay should be persuasive, it is essential to maintain a respectful and objective tone. The language should be formal, arguments should be logical, and personal biases or emotional appeals should be minimal.

Different Types Of Argumentative Essay Approaches

While the primary goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade, there are various strategies or approaches you can adopt depending on your audience, the nature of the topic, and your style.

Here are some of the most commonly used argumentative approaches:

  • Classical (or Aristotelian) Approach: This is the most straightforward method. You present your main argument upfront, making it clear where you stand. This approach works best when your audience is unfamiliar with the topic or when you believe they might be neutral or undecided.
  • Rogerian Approach: Named after psychologist Carl Rogers, this approach emphasizes understanding and acknowledging opposing views. Instead of immediately presenting your argument, you introduce the opposing viewpoint and then segue into your perspective. This method is effective when dealing with a deeply polarized issue, as it shows empathy and a willingness to understand the other side.
  • Toulmin Approach: Developed by philosopher Stephen Toulmin, this method breaks down the argument into specific components: claim, evidence, warrant (the link between the claim and the evidence), backing (additional support for the warrant), and potential rebuttals. It is a more analytical approach and particularly useful when expecting your audience to challenge your stance.
  • Problem-Solution Approach: As the name suggests, you present a problem and then offer a solution, arguing why your solution is the best fit. This approach is especially effective for persuasive essays where you want to propose a specific course of action.

Each approach has its strengths and is best suited for specific situations. The key is to assess the nature of the topic, the audience’s familiarity and stance on the issue, and the context in which you’re presenting your argument.

Choosing the right approach can make your argument more compelling and increase the chances of persuading your audience.

10 Ideas For An Argumentative Essay

Here are some contemporary and thought-provoking topics that can serve as a foundation for an argumentative essay:

  1. Technology and Privacy:

    Thesis: “In the age of technology, stricter regulations are needed to protect individual privacy from corporations and governments.”

  2. Climate Change and Responsibility:

    Thesis: “Major corporations, more than individual consumers, should bear the primary responsibility for addressing climate change.”

  3. Online Education:

    Thesis: “Online education can offer a quality learning experience comparable to traditional in-class instruction.”

  4. Universal Basic Income (UBI):

    Thesis: “Implementing a Universal Basic Income can be a solution to job displacement caused by automation and AI.”

  5. Mandatory Vaccinations:

    Thesis: “Vaccinations should be mandatory for public health and the greater good of society.”

  6. Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health:

    Thesis: “Excessive use of social media contributes significantly to mental health issues among young adults.”

  7. Space Exploration vs. Earthly Concerns:

    Thesis: “Investing in space exploration is essential for the future of humanity, even when faced with pressing earthly concerns.”

  8. Animal Testing in Medical Research:

    Thesis: “Animal testing remains crucial for advancing medical research, though ethical considerations must be at the forefront.”

  9. Legalization of Recreational Drugs:

    Thesis: “The legalization of recreational drugs, starting with marijuana, can lead to decreased drug-related crime and increased economic benefits.”

  10. Impact of Streaming Services on Traditional Cinema:

    Thesis: “Streaming services, while convenient, threaten the communal experience of traditional cinema and the art of filmmaking.”

Each topic offers ample scope for research, presenting evidence, and crafting a persuasive argument. The key is to choose a subject you’re passionate about and present your argument with conviction and authenticity.

Step-by-Step Guide To Writing An Argumentative Essay

Writing an argumentative essay can be broken down into a structured process. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to ensure you craft a compelling essay:

  1. Choose a Topic: Pick a debatable and relevant topic. Ensure there’s ample research material available on the subject.
  2. Research Thoroughly: Dive into reputable sources like academic journals, books, and trusted news outlets. Gather evidence that supports your viewpoint, but also be aware of counterarguments.
  3. Formulate a Strong Thesis: Your thesis is the central argument of your essay. Ensure it’s clear, specific, and debatable.
  4. Draft an Argumentative Essay Outline: Organise your main points and supporting evidence. Plan the structure: introduction, body paragraphs (with separate facts and evidence), counterargument, and conclusion.
  5. Write the Introduction: Start with a captivating hook to engage the reader. Provide some background on the topic. End with your thesis statement.
  6. Craft the Body Paragraphs: Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence. Present your evidence, ensuring it directly supports your thesis. Explain the relevance of the evidence and how it bolsters your argument.
  7. Address Counterarguments: Dedicate a section or paragraph to opposing views. Refute each counterargument using evidence and logical reasoning.
  8. Compose the Conclusion: Restate your thesis (without merely repeating it). Summarise the main points you’ve discussed. End with a closing thought or call to action.
  9. Revise Your Essay: Read your essay critically, checking the flow and coherence of your arguments. Ensure each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next.
  10. Proofread: Check for grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Ensure your language is formal and appropriate for an argumentative essay.
  11. Cite Your Sources: Depending on the format required (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.), properly cite all the sources you referenced.
  12. Finalize Your Essay: Make any necessary edits based on feedback. Read through one final time to ensure clarity and coherence.
  13. Submit or Share: Once you’re satisfied with your essay, submit it if it’s an assignment, or share it if you want to engage readers in a discussion.

Tips To Enhance Your Argumentative Essay

Crafting a compelling argumentative essay goes beyond just following the basic structure. Before you decide to buy an argumentative essay take a look at a few tips. Here is some expert advice on how to elevate the quality of your essay:

  • Choose a Resonant Topic: Ensure your topic is relevant, timely, and evokes interest. An issue you’re passionate about will make your writing more engaging.
  • Solid Research: Dive deep into your topic, ensuring you gather information from reputable and varied sources. This adds depth and credibility to your essay.
  • Present a Clear Thesis: Your thesis should be precise and debatable. Avoid vague or overly broad statements.
  • Use Transitional Phrases: Words like “however,” “furthermore,” and “on the other hand” help ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas.
  • Address Counterarguments: Acknowledging and refuting opposing views strengthens your argument and shows a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Be Objective: While passion is essential, avoid letting emotions overtake logic and reason in your essay.
  • Cite Your Sources: Always give credit to the sources of your information. This not only adds credibility but also shows thoroughness in your research.
  • Revise and Edit: Never submit your first draft. Revising helps refine your arguments, and editing ensures clarity and grammatical accuracy.
  • Engage Your Reader: Start with an interesting hook and use real-world examples, anecdotes, or rhetorical questions to engage your reader.
  • Maintain a Formal Tone: An argumentative essay is formal, so avoid slang, contractions, and overly casual language.
  • Seek Feedback: Before finalizing your essay, have someone else read it. Fresh eyes can offer valuable insights and catch errors you might have missed.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you write, the better you’ll become. Practicing your argumentative writing helps you identify and rectify recurring issues.
  • Stay Updated: If your essay topic is contemporary, ensure your data and references are current. Outdated information can weaken your argument.
  • Craft a Strong Conclusion: Your conclusion should not just be a summary. It should reinforce your thesis and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

By incorporating these tips, you can enhance your argumentative essay’s quality, clarity, and persuasiveness, making it stand out in any debate or discussion.

Get Top Tier Argumentative Essay Help

Now that you have learned how to write an argumentative essay, and all other details about it, you must be confident in your ability to write it. However, you might still feel stuck or uninspired, or perhaps you don’t have a lot of time left. That is not a problem! Our essay writing service is here to assist you with any issues. Our expert writers can handle all types of essays, including argumentative essays. So get in touch with us and buy essay now!

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Evelyn Henderson is a highly accomplished freelance translator, research writer, and essay writer. She has established herself as the best in the business; she has a reputation for delivering high-quality projects and ensures that she meets and exceeds the client’s expectations.

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